
Throughout the years, I have created some blogs that represent journalism, photography and conflict. Please find the Blog below that suits your interest. I have published many articles,videos and photography lessons.

Workshops: There is where you can find out information, dates and prices to the workshops that I offer.

Crossing Borders Project Blog: On this blog are the voices who particapated in the project workshops. and their representation in the form of a short video. The videos are created using the participants images along with their narrated story. I also include videos that people in other cultures have made to generate their voices. This is all about Crossing Borders

After The War Blog: Is all about photjournalism and journalism issues and concerns. This blog has published articles that I have written referencing current conflict and analysis, videos from conflict areas, and journalism reference links. This is where I release my journalistic curiosity.

Through The Lens Blog: Is all about photography, articles, and lessons.

Crossing Borders Project You Tube Page